Creating Narrative Tension in Novel (Part 1)

Saturday 5 October 2013

Narrative tension are the characters in a novel strain of developments and unresolved and unfulfilled needs. Therefore it is important to suggest the promise of a story in a dramatic context, so that a storyteller create characters who have a need to act, and act in spite of obstacles. When the characters of a story are prevented from getting what they want, experience narrative tension. By acting to earn some extra pain of a character (because the story / narrator raises obstacles) a character in a story of experiences growing narrative tension.
In short, a narrator creates a character who can not refuse to act because of the costs of inaction, but there is a price to pay for performance.

Romeo in Romeo and Juliet is a great example of narrative tension. To act on his love for Juliet is to turn against his clan and family, not to act on his feelings for Juliet is to violate their sense of what is important to him. However, any action that increases pain.

Romeo is a great character because he will not even allow that block death to be with Juliet.

A novel (or memories) that lacks narrative tension is no longer convincing. It can appear to be episodic, events happen, but there is tension around a result of these events. Characters act, but there is tension generated around their actions.

That suggests the tension of the characters is only the first step to create narrative tension. The second step is to write about this tension so as to transfer the characters from one story to the audience a story. That's why the introduction of the promise of a story around a theme of human need is so important. When hearing a story is identified with the characters of a story and goals, which the public can also be taken to internalize the tension about whether a character achieves its goals.

While a great plot can help to engage an audience around to know what will happen next, when the public has internalized the tension of a narrative story, the audience needs to experience the history and resolution of compliance for the relief the tension created by the narrator.

The higher the voltage, the more attractive of the novel.

This is why keeping the promise of a story off the stage can be as lethal. That failure can lead to weak or absent narrative tension.

Generate narrative tension, then, begins with the opening sentences of a novel or story.

Narrative tension is comparable to an electric current that runs through a story. The weaker the current, less a story conveys an audience. The higher the current, the greater participation of the audience.

When I've worked or talked with the agents, the lack of narrative tension is the main reason for rejection of the novels.

Another way in this edition of the narrative tension ...

What does your character want your story begins ...

and ...

... What he or she blocks to get what they want? Wait the next article in Creating Narrative Tension in Novel (Part 2)



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