6 Unique Trash Bins Ever

Sunday, 14 April 2013

1. Touchless Automatic Trash Can

Touchless Automatic Trash Can
As what we all already know that a trash bin must be dirty. No one wants to touch it. But, this trash bin is really an unique one, it uses an infrared censor. It will open automatically when you get close about 6 inch from the infrared censor. It will be closed automatically about 3 seconds after you throw away your garbage/rubbish.

2. Barcode Trashcan

Barcode Trashcan
Did you know that not all kind of plastics can be recycled? Have you ever noticed at the bottom of mineral water bottle you used to drink? There usually a recycle sign with a number on its center. This sign is used to identify whether the plastic can be recycled or not. This trash bin able to detect that sign or barcode on the plastic that you want to throw away so it will ease you to filter the plastics which can be recycled.

3. Ovetto Bin

Ovetto Bin

Taking the idea of recycling to its logical conclusion, Italian architect, designer and art director Gianluca Soldi presented the Ovetto Recycling Bin, a recycled recycling center, last week at the London Design Festival. Made from recycled polypropylene (the same material used in ropes and carpeting), the bin offers three separate receptacles to make recycling easier and more organized while taking it a stylish step up from those standard blue bins. Read more here.

4. Armstrong Bin

Armstrong Bin
The title is actually very clever with the concept. It’s Armstrong like Neil Armstrong, aka the first man to stomp on the moon. The Armstrong dust bin aims to be the first cleverly named step in reducing the space taken by the garbage we just do not stop making! Stomp it. Stomp it and KILL it.

5. Expanding Office Bin

Expanding Office Bin
This trash can will expand once you fill it with garbage. It's so cool and unique, isn't it?

6. Minus Trash Can

Minus Trash Can
Minus is a concept frozen garbage bin that is able to take all types of organic trash and freeze it. As this product uses cooling grid, there will be no bad smell and pollution at your place and frozen garbage will stop leaving ruins around. Moreover, the antibacterial UV light eliminates all the bacteria as well as prevents them to replicate. The transparent cover will allow you to see the inside space status from outside so that you can know if it’s full or there is available space for more garbage. The blue light will create a nice ambiance in your place and the inner temperature can be controlled from the control panel placed in the body of Minus. Read more>>



  1. Madura Coding said...:

    waw bagus ea tempat sampahnya,,,,,,,,,, :)

  1. Tebinfea said...:

    Hello my friend ..
    Tomorrow I go to the hospital for tests.
    I wish a good day.

  1. Anonymous said...:

    unik unik nih tempat sampahnya
    adminya mau beliin saya pagak ya??

  1. Iswady Wahid said...:

    wow keren tempat sampahnya

  1. VerLova's Blog said...:

    wow,, trnyata tempat sampah jg bs bermacam-macam bentuknya ya, unik lagi,, haha,, nice share.

  1. nelinya dimana ni gan, alnya cakep2 nih, hehhehhe

  1. mampir gan...........

  1. Unknown said...:

    ini yang punya blog, orang indonesia atau barat ya?

  1. Unknown said...:

    wow, great design...
    btw, visit + follow here...follback yah sob...

  1. Anonymous said...:

    biarpun tempat sampah tapi asalkan modelnya cantik2 gitu pasti lebih nyaman di pandang

  1. Amri Evianti said...:

    wahhh designya ok punya

  1. Mas Andes said...:

    sipp dah pokoknya mantap abis

  1. Endra Nero said...:

    keren keren sob :)

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  1. Anonymous said...:

    Wah tempat sampah aja kelihatan mewah gitu yah... sayang mau pakenya haha...

  1. eka said...:

    pengen punya :D

  1. Anonymous said...:

    Nah.. kalau tempat sampah nya seperti diatas jadi sayang kalau dibuat untuk buang sampah.. cocok nya buat celengan aja.. hehehe..

  1. tempat sampah kok bagus ya

  1. Anonymous said...:

    bagus dan canggih, kreatif juga

  1. Rulita said...:

    people will happy to put their rubbish in this trash bin,it might make people dicipline when they're want to throw out the trash

  1. great post and nice shot :)

  1. Anonymous said...:

    Tempat sampah yang bagus

  1. kalo saya yang punya...mesti ndak untuk naro sampah...sayang ya kaya nya...hehehhe :)

  1. Boby said...:

    @afif fakhruddin, go to supermarket near your city bro :D
    @dimas bagus nugroho, can be both :)
    @Bayu S, wah bisa aja nih mas bayu....hehehe
    @Rulita.park, that's rite! :)
    @everyone, thank you for your comments :) I really appreciate it! :D

  1. berkunjung lagi mas, selamat berakhir pekan

  1. Tebinfea said...:

    Good late afternoon.
    I wish you a wonderful weekend.

  1. Unknown said...:

    Keren banget tempat sampahnya,mungku=in admin mau beliin???

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